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Version: 5.14.1

Provider object 🔌 connect to the network

First thing to do - define with which network you want to interact.

With the Provider object, you define which network to use.

import { Provider } from 'starknet';

Connect your DAPP to Starknet mainnet

const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { network: constants.NetworkName.SN_MAIN } });

Connect your DAPP to Starknet testnet 1 & 2

const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { network: constants.NetworkName.SN_GOERLI } }); // for testnet 1
const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { network: constants.NetworkName.SN_GOERLI2 } }); // for testnet 2

Connect your DAPP to Starknet-devnet

const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { baseUrl: '' } });

If you have customized host and port during starknet-devnet initialization, adapt in accordance to your script.

Connect your DAPP to a private Starknet network

If necessary you can have a full control on the network access (for example, for your company private test network):

const provider = new Provider({
sequencer: {
baseUrl: '',
feederGatewayUrl: 'feeder_gateway',
gatewayUrl: 'gateway',

Connect your DAPP to a Starknet node

For a local Pathfinder node:

const provider = new Provider({ rpc: { nodeUrl: '' } });

Your node can be located in your local network (example: pathfinder node located in a computer of you network, launched with this additional option: --http-rpc You connect with:

const provider = new Provider({ rpc: { nodeUrl: '' } });

Specific methods

Some methods are available only if connected to a sequencer, and some others are available only if connected to a node (using RPC).

Specific sequencer methods

For example, if you want to estimate the fee of a L1 ➡️ L2 message, you need to use a method that is available only in the sequencer. The class SequencerProvider is available for this case:

import { SequencerProvider, constants } from "starknet";
const provider = new SequencerProvider({ baseUrl: constants.BaseUrl.SN_GOERLI2 }); // for testnet 2
const responseEstimateMessageFee = await provider.estimateMessageFee(.....)

Specific RPC methods

For example, if you want to read the events recorded in a range of blocks, you need to use a method available from a RPC node. The class RpcProvider is available for this case:

import { RpcProvider } from 'starknet';
const providerRPC = new RpcProvider({ nodeUrl: '' }); // for a pathfinder node located in a PC in the local network
const lastBlock = await providerRPC.getBlock('latest');
let eventsList = await providerRPC.getEvents({
address: myContractAddress,
from_block: { block_number: lastBlock.block_number - 2 },
to_block: { block_number: lastBlock.block_number },
chunk_size: 400,

RPC providers are for example Infura, Alchemy, Chainstack... Or you can spin up your own Pathfinder node!

For example, to connect to Alchemy with your personal API key:

const providerRPC = new RpcProvider({
nodeUrl: '' + alchemyKey,