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Version: 5.14.1

🔌 Connect an existing account

Once your provider is initialized, you can connect an existing account.

You need 2 data:

  • the address of the account
  • the private key of this account
import { Account, Provider } from 'starknet';

Connect a predeployed account in Starknet-devnet​

When you launch starknet-devnet, 10 accounts are predeployed with 100 dummy ETH in each.

Addresses and private keys are displayed on the console at initialization.

This data will change at each launch, so to freeze them, launch with: starknet-devnet --seed 0.

The result for account #0:

Address: 0x7e00d496e324876bbc8531f2d9a82bf154d1a04a50218ee74cdd372f75a551a
Public key: 0x7e52885445756b313ea16849145363ccb73fb4ab0440dbac333cf9d13de82b9
Private key: 0xe3e70682c2094cac629f6fbed82c07cd

Then you can use this code:

// initialize provider
const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { baseUrl: '' } });
// initialize existing pre-deployed account 0 of Devnet
const privateKey = '0xe3e70682c2094cac629f6fbed82c07cd';
const accountAddress = '0x7e00d496e324876bbc8531f2d9a82bf154d1a04a50218ee74cdd372f75a551a';

const account = new Account(provider, accountAddress, privateKey);

Your account is now connected, and you can use it.

👛 Connect an existing account (in any network)​

The code is exactly the same, you just have to:

  • connect to the appropriate network.
  • use the address of this account (public data).
  • use the private key of this account (very sensitive data: your code MUST not disclose it).

For example, to connect an existing account to testnet, with a private key stored in .env non archived file:

import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';

// initialize provider
const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { network: constants.NetworkName.SN_GOERLI2 } });
// initialize existing account
const privateKey = process.env.OZ_NEW_ACCOUNT_PRIVKEY;
const accountAddress = '0x051158d244c7636dde39ec822873b29e6c9a758c6a9812d005b6287564908667';

const account = new Account(provider, accountAddress, privateKey);